Family Doctors and Physicians in Coaldale, Alberta.


Search for a Medical Doctor in Coaldale accepting new patients.

NOT ALL DOCTORS listed on this website may be accepting new patients. Although we do our best to maintain a current database, contact information and patient availability changes rapidly. If you detect an error in any contact information, please click here to let us know.

1. Dr. Johan Meyer
2. Dr. Miriam Baby
3. Dr. Valerie Boras
4. Dr. Earle L. Covert
5. Dr. John Geers - Good Doctor Rating !! 3 Doctor Reviews - Average Rating : 4.83
6. Dr. Bob Kingston
7. Dr. Steven Low Low - Good Doctor Rating !! 1 Doctor Review - Average Rating : 5
8. Dr. Vincent Luykenaar
9. Dr. John Seim
10. Dr. Bernhard Wiebe

Moms and Dads Wanted !