1 Ratings and Reviews for Dr. Shuster of Banff , Alberta

Number of Ratings: 1   Average Rating: 3.75

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Perhaps Sen. Clinton was savvy enough to rliaeze that most people that are not absolute republican zombies, pay no attention to the Fox neocon network. For years NBC and by connection MSNBC were considered a true news service, and, therefore, needed to get their act straightened out to continue to earn that respect. Most people just discount anything said on Fox as controversial and open to question, but she probably tended to have more respect for NBC and MSNBC her mistake! Who knows why Sen Barack and Sen Clinton made appearances on that network; both of them should know better, which is why all of the candidates refused to debate on that network earlier, even for the black caucus. Of course, Sen Barack managed to slide under the radar, but when Sen Clinton started getting flack (because she is always scrutinized), someone came forward to admit she was not the first one.No one has accused any daughters of candidates of pimping for their fathers previously during campaigns, so why should it be overlooked now? By the way, I know the news' seems to be going that direction, but are we actually going to see news departments chasing cars and turning them into Britneys to make the news more exciting? Most people think Shuster was disgusting for posing that question and he was previously respected as someone who seemed to legitimately report the news. What a downhill slide for him. I hope that brought him and others on that channel to their senses.
Punctuality: 2
Caring/Helpfulness: 4
Knowledge: 4
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted December 16, 2015   OK Doctor Rating !!

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